Craft Beer LED & Neon Sign Options
When deciding on a custom illuminated craft beer sign, you have a number of options to choose from. All are beautiful and will represent your brewery for years. Let’s take a look at the main options:
We all know about the standard neon sign - you can drive down any street in America or for that matter the world and see one shining in the store window. They are in every convenience store and bar. Custom Neon Beer Signs have been around for close to 100 years and have vibrant colors, are bright, can be seen from a distance and last for years. They have been the goto for beer companies for decades. The biggest drawback is breakage and packaging. Since neon signs are so fragile, the packaging needs to be extra sturdy with additional foam and double boxes - this adds cost. You are also limited to what shapes you can achieve as you have the limitations of bending a glass tube.
Below are a couple examples of Custom Craft Beer Neon Signs:
Sweet Water Brewing custom neon glass sign.
Flying Bison Brewing Company standard neon sign
Boulevard Brewing Company neon sign with a screen printed graphic.
Marble Brewing traditional neon sign.
Custom LED signs have come a long way over the years. At first, any attempt to compete with the vibrant colors of neon signs were not very impressive - while these signs looked OK, they were no match for the true look of glass neon tube. However, some new innovations has LED looking more and more like real neon. We can produce custom LED signs that use either soft silicone molds, hard injection molds or vacuum formed plastic to look like true neon tubes. These signs have either injecting molded backs or vacuum formed housings. They look amazing, are less expensive and best of all do not break easily and require much less packaging. With LED you can also make a clean flat sign or sign with raised letters and logos at a very affordable price.
Below are some examples of Custom Craft LED Signs:
Cigar City Brewing LED sign with soft silicone tubing and screen printed acrylic.
Brewdog custom LED sign with soft silicone tubing.
Dust Bowl Brewing custom flat LED sign with raised laser cut lettering and logo.
Breckenridge Brewing custom LED sign with wood frame and glass face to look like stained glass.
Creature Comforts Brewing custom LED marquee sign with changeable letters.
Bell’s Brewing custom LED sign with laser cut logo on a wood backing.